About me

Life is for living (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Talk about my life ᓚᘏᗢ


Hello everyone! ヾ(•ω•`)o I'm pleased to introduce myself to you today. I'm Juan, but I prefer to be called John. I was born in Mexico, a country full of fascinating history and traditions that I love to explore. I consider myself a history enthusiast, especially when it comes to the history of Mexico, from ancient times like the Heian era to the splendid Asuka period. 🏛️ My love for languages is one of the defining aspects of my life. Currently, I speak several languages and am constantly in a state of learning. I'm fluent in Spanish, and my English level is at B1. Additionally, I'm studying French at an A2 level, German at an A1 level, and Russian at an A1 level. Japanese is another fascinating interest of mine, and I am currently at a level between N5 and N4. 🇯🇵 My motivation to learn Japanese comes from my love for anime as well as my deep interest in the rich Japanese culture. From the poetry of the Heian era to the intriguing customs of the Asuka era, every aspect of Japan captivates me. 🌸 In addition to these modern languages, I also have basic knowledge of Latin and ancient Greek, allowing me to delve even deeper into the history of ancient civilizations and the roots of many modern languages. 🏛️ Ever since I was a child, computers fascinated me - how they worked and what lay inside them. I was so intrigued that I even managed to take apart not one, but two or three computers. By the way, my first computer was a Windows XP machine from around 2003 💻. Although no one in my family really knew much about computers, except for my dad who dealt with them as part of his job, I was drawn to how they functioned. I didn't understand much of what those computers were saying back then, so it motivated me to study English. Fortunately, my mother is a great polyglot, and her knowledge of languages proved to be a significant help. Years later, my passion for music blossomed. At one point in my life (and that dream still lingers), I aspired to become a conductor. During my school years, I discovered my love for mathematics and computing, but I wasn't sure how to develop that aspect of my life.


Years later, I made the decision to study Physics at the Faculty of Science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). After some time, it turned out not to be the best decision I could have made, but I still like to remain optimistic. So, I decided to dedicate myself to the field of network analysis (also known as Graph Theory), which had always piqued my interest. Some of you might be wondering, "What practical applications does this field have?" Well, to address your curiosity, it has applications in various aspects of life. For instance, it can help us understand how an epidemic is approaching and could potentially infect a country or continent (w(゚Д゚)w). It can also be used to predict how gossip spreads among neighbors or even some fun trivia. For example, if I wanted to know how I could connect with someone like Takahashi Rie (高橋梨絵), the theorem states that it can be done in at most SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION. It's a fascinating concept UwU.


As time went by, I found myself increasingly focused on pursuing my long-standing goal: combining the realm of graph theory with technology. I was fortunate to develop most of my skills at the Faculty of Engineering at UNAM, specifically within the Program of Computer Technology (PROTECO). It was there that I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, which included an unexpected twist - teaching! Teaching was something I had never considered before, and to be honest, it terrified me at first >︿<. However, through my experiences at PROTECO, I not only learned how to teach but also discovered a passion for it.


Returning to the topic of my academic journey, my focus shifted towards the study of networks and security. Currently, I am in the process of preparing for my CCNA certification from CISCO. Achieving this certification is one of my personal milestones, and it paves the way for my ultimate goal: attaining the prestigious CCIE certification. This journey is deeply fulfilling to me because it aligns perfectly with my interests and what I truly enjoy.

anos Voldigoad

Speaking of my interests, one of my favorite anime characters (although there are countless to choose from) is Anos Voldigoad from the anime "Maō Gakuin no Futekigōsha ~Shijō Saikyō no Maō no Shiso, Tensei Shite Shison-tachi no Gakkō e Kayō." But, honestly, I have a soft spot for many other anime characters, and I'm a fan of anime in general, spanning a wide range of genres. It's a world that never ceases to captivate me. Beyond my anime fascination, I have a love for music. I enjoy playing the piano, although I have to admit that I've let my practice slip a bit ━━( ̄ー ̄*|||━━. Nevertheless, I plan to get back into it and rekindle my piano skills. In addition to the piano, I also know how to play the guitar. However, I've come to terms with the fact that my singing abilities are far from stellar (I tried that a long time ago). Aside from my indoor hobbies, I relish spending time in serene, out-of-the-way places far from the hustle and bustle of the city. It's in these tranquil settings that I find a sense of relaxation and solace.


Speaking about my work experiences, I've ventured into the realm of web development, an area I'm relatively new to but have found intriguing. It's more of a hobby for me at the moment, and by the way, this website was developed by yours truly ( ̄︶ ̄)↗. In my professional journey, I've had the opportunity to work with various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Each of these operating systems has its unique strengths and weaknesses. I appreciate Linux for its robustness in terms of security and networking. I've also dabbled in ShellScript and gained some valuable experience (check out my Prebeshell repository or Grub Themes repository) On the other hand, Windows offers its own set of advantages, such as the flexibility to tweak certain aspects, not to mention it's a great platform for gaming ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho..... And finally, MacOS stands out for its user-friendly interface ( ┏ (゜ω゜)=👉although it's reminiscent of Linux but with better graphic designs and interfaces). I particularly enjoy using MacOS for Swift programming (see my 100-days-of-swift-exercises repository). The world of mobile development also fascinates me, and I find it interesting to combine all these diverse skills.


Lately, I've been diving deeper into the field of artificial intelligence. Many of the mathematical foundations I've learned find application in AI. I have a personal project in progress 🚨 aimed at creating an enhanced AI as a personal assistant. For example, both the previous image and the one featuring Hatsune Miku (❤️´艸`❤️) were generated by AI. I have an insatiable thirst for learning; it's something I absolutely adore. Although some topics can be challenging to grasp, I relish the learning process. In a way, it's akin to being a stoic, steadily progressing day by day. That's about the gist of my experiences and how I've been investing my time, both in development and in crafting this website. It's a work in progress 💻🚨. I'm excited to share more about my passions and my life with all of you in this presentation. Thank you for listening! q(≧▽≦q).
Lastly, I've included a list of some of my favorite anime series along with a Spotify playlist featuring some of my all-time favorite songs. I hope you enjoy exploring these as much as I do! UwU 🎵📺

My playlist 🎤

My favorite Anime「アニメ」List (some of them (≧∇≦)ノ)